Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sisters of Battle to get new plastics, 6th Edition Soon?

Interesting bit of news gleaned from over at http://natfka.blogspot.com/ apparently there is a rumor now making the rounds that Sisters of Battle have new plastics incoming, and that 6th Edition may be hitting far sooner than expected.

via templarsandorks
I have no idea if this is reliable so take it with a fair bit of salt

I was talking to the guy in my lgs and he said that sob were meant to get their models released in plastic at around febuary . He mentioned a couple of infantry sets (think grey knights) as well as a couple of new tanks/veichles. He also said 6th ed of 40k was meant to come out sooner than expected around april.

I have no idea if it was reliable just thought id let it get some circulation and thought

Interesting to say the least, but currently I see a few flaws, the first that Sisters are getting new plastic Infantry, and Tanks, the problem I see here is that they only just got the WD Codex update, I really can't see GW making a full on plastics push when there isn't a full Codex to pair it with, from a marketing standpoint it really doesn't make a lot of sense. Would I like to see plastic Sisters sooner than later, definately, I just don't see it happening until there is a full Codex ready for release.

So I would consider the first part BUSTED until we get more information to say otherwise.

As to 6th Edition coming out in April, its possible, but again feels pretty unlikely, given all the other information that we have seen circulating the web about a summer release, which tracks with how GW does its major releases. However, that all being said, its not impossible that GW would change its marketing to try and hit in late spring to get to take full advantage of the summer break for school students that they are looking to get involved in the game for the first time.

At this point I am going to label the 6th edition rumor as UNLIKELY but we will see what other information crops up as we get closer to the holiday season.

So what do you think? Do you think that GW would release new plastics for an army without a full Codex, and are we closer to 6th Editon than we think, let me know in the comments below!

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