So it looks like we might have a bit of an insight into the the release for the Necron second wave, and unlike some army releases where the first and second waves were months [years] apart it seems, if you believe this rumor, that the second wave is closer than we think.
Again this has been gleaned from he is another great source for news and rumors with regard to the 40K, and sometimes Fantasy universe as well.
via 75hastings69 Couldn't see this on the thread (although I didn't go through every page!) early next year youll be getting a second wave of necrons - entries in the codex not covered by this release, 4 vehicles, a walker and 2 aircraft, also new tomb spiders IIRC.
Interesting bit of information there, like most rumors one must take them with a grain of salt HOWEVER given how quickly the second wave releases came for the Dark Eldar, and also the off statements here and there from the retail store employees for GW saying that they want to try and keep the releases close together for all waves, this one seems pretty likely, so I would rate this one as PROBABLE.
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